百威中国培训生项目 - 商务管理培训生(红星)
Budweiser China Trainee Programs - Red Star Commercial Management Trainee
为了适应业务增长需求,为销售团队注入新鲜血液输送更多高质量的销售人才,百威自2000年起从全国百所高校招募优秀人才成为百威中国培训生项目 – 商务管理培训生(红星项目) (Red Star Commercial Management Trainee)。红星商务管理培训生将从一线销售岗位开始学习业务专业知识,通过公司提供的系统化培训和完善的职业发展规划快速成为优秀的商务管理人才,项目已吸引数千名优秀毕业生加入,目前在总部及各事业部的实地销售和销售管理岗位上发挥着重要作用。
To meet the needs of business growth, provide fresh talents into the sales team and deliver more high-quality sales pipeline, we recruit outstanding talents from more than100 universities across the country to join our Red Star Commercial Management Trainee Program in Budweiser China since 2000. Red Star Commercial Management trainees will learn business professional knowledge from front-line sales positions, and quickly become excellent business management leaders through systematic training and perfect career development planning. The program has attracted thousands of outstanding graduates to join, and currently plays a key role in field sales and sales management positions in the headquarters and various functions of business units.
Whom we are looking for…
- 2025年应届或者全职工作经验不超过2年的毕业生,本科及以上学历
- 具有战略性思维,有方向感/目标感,热爱销售工作,愿意接受基层锻炼,诚实正直
- 沟通能力强,善于交际,灵活机智,有韧性并具有抗压能力,愿意接受挑战
- 具备一定的地域调动性,服从因业务发展需求的工作地点调配
- 在校期间积极参与校园活动与社会实践,有担任学生干部或管理团队经验者优先,有影响力与责任心
- 2025 Graduates with fresh or full-time working experience of less than 2 years, full-time bachelor's degree or above
- Strategic thinking, Result-oriented, have passion in sales, integrity, and be willing to grow up from frontline business.
- Strong communication skills, flexible, resilient, and able to work under pressure, willing to accept challenges
- Have geographical mobility, subject to the needs of business development of the work location deployment
- Actively participate in campus activities and social practice during the school, with experience as a student leader or management team is preferred, with influence power and responsibility
Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.

供应商管理主管/主任工程师(战略管理方向)(J18313) 1元以上郾城区 应届毕业生 不限奇瑞汽车股份有限公司
漯河食品厂3-4K包食宿保洁 3000-4000元召陵区 应届毕业生 不限几何(郑州)服务外包有限公司
油库主管 5000-7000元召陵区 应届毕业生 不限中邦安捷石油有限公司
漯河东外滩海底捞招聘服务员 4000-8000元郾城区 应届毕业生 不限简阳市海捞餐饮管理有限公司
漯河行销主管(鲁豫营销总部/信阳区域) (职位编号:yili052728) 8000元以上召陵区 应届毕业生 不限内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司
安全环保主管 6000-7000元郾城区 应届毕业生 大专漯河江山天安新型建材有限公司